Raffaele Pallotta d’Acquapendente
What has tennis in common with Rotary?
Apparently nothing, but if we recall that Rotary is founded on the commitment to the Service on behalf of one’s own community and on behalf of the less privileged communities of the world, the words of our founder Paul Harris come to our minds: “Friendship, born in the Rotary and reinforced by the awareness of belonging to a greater world community, does not recognise any frontiers, overcomes all barriers, sail in every sea. Overcomes every difficulty, spurs us to loyalty, to solidarity and the dedication towards others”.
Sports activities, when conceived in the spirit of chivalrous commitment in competitiveness, is one of the activities that promotes the spirit of friendship. We immediately realise, therefore, why it is one of the means used by the Rotary to promote and reinforce Friendship. Because the loyal sharing of a joyful sports meeting is able to promote that kind of friendship and unity that facilitates the wish to dedicate one’s self to Rotarian service. Above all, sport even induces the interest of the younger generation towards Rotary and induces them to deepen their knowledge of the importance of our social commitment. I recall that a great Governor of our District, Mario Maria Jacopetti, used to say: “ The Rotary is certainly an extremely serious reality, but not for this necessarily tragic”.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome all Rotarians who give life to this International Tournament of particular importance for the elegance of this sport that engages the athletes decidedly and loyalty never degenerating in deplorable manifestations by the fans, and I am deeply grateful for having chosen Salerno, in the District 2100, with which I hold old and deep ties of affection.
I am certain that the organizers will do their best to make the event, already important on its own merit, also remain a pleasurable and lasting memory for all.
Wishing you all a good partaking in the event and good Rotary.
Evanston, 20.05.2007

Raffaele Pallotta d’Acquapendente
Board Director of Rotary International